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Yes, I was the kid reading under her desk

I love to read, it's a passion. I'm a terrible writer(I can edit like woah!) but I want to read others reviews and believe I have something to add :)

Hounded was a YAY

Hounded - Kevin Hearne

Hounded. I loved you. I really did. You had action. You had funny. You had IRISH WOLFHOUNDS!! Seriously- any book with a talking hilarious Irish Wolfhound is going to get me. Oberon made me laugh. I called my mother to tell her stuff that the Irish Wolfhound said(I grew up with an Irish Wolfhound, they hold a very special place in our family)... She didn't seem as amused, something about context I think. 

I liked the characters other than Oberon( did I mention I love Oberon... He is so funny and cool and a wolfhound). The widow that lives near Atticus is a great character as well. She was funny and reminded me of a real woman we knew when I was growing up. There are those Irish that hate the British enough to go along with anything....

Back to the book. I seriously did love this book. I thought it was wonderful. I liked the writing, I liked Atticus, I liked the mythology aspects, I liked it all. It's been a little while since I read the first one, so I'm trying to remember if it's discussed in the first one or only the later ones about how the gods came into being(people believing in them) which was a choice I loved. I really enjoyed looking up more about the Celtic gods and goddesses- I'm obsessed with my Irish grandparents and our heritage, hah. 

I know some people didn't get in to this novel as much as I did, but I have to say, Kevin Hearne made a fan out of me. I actually read all 4 of the books out at the time and was SO UPSET to learn he had been 5 minutes from my house right as I was picking up the first book on a book signing tour... If only I had known!

Highly recommended for fantasy lovers out there!