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Yes, I was the kid reading under her desk

I love to read, it's a passion. I'm a terrible writer(I can edit like woah!) but I want to read others reviews and believe I have something to add :)
October 2013
reviewed: Ewwwww
** spoiler alert ** This book was frustrating and horrid. I hated the heroine. She acted like an idiot but we were all suppos...
Devil's Bride - Stephanie Laurens
reviewed: Fifty Shades of Abuse... nope
You know- its kind of a bummer that the person who decided to take this on obviously wasn't up to the task- because I'll be h...
Fifty Shades Of Abuse - #OneVoice, Eve Thomas
reviewed: Seraphina was incredible
Seraphina..... Man. What a book. How can I describe how I felt when I finished this book? It was intense. I ached for the nex...
Seraphina (Seraphina, #1) - Rachel Hartman
reviewed: Bitten... why?
Man. Everyone else liked this book. What did I miss??! The main character annoyed the crap out of me. She was whiny and never...
Bitten - Kelley Armstrong
reviewed: Hounded was a YAY
Hounded. I loved you. I really did. You had action. You had funny. You had IRISH WOLFHOUNDS!! Seriously- any book with a talk...
Hounded - Kevin Hearne
reviewed: 3 stars meh
So. It's hard to describe how I feel about this book. I wanted to like it. That first steamy scene? Oh man... I felt tingles....
Pleasure Unbound - Larissa Ione
reviewed: Riveted was fantastic
I really do love Brooks's Iron Sea's books. I read the first two a few weeks before this one came out, and I was glad I had t...
Riveted -  Meljean Brook
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finished reading:
September 2013
finished reading:
December 2012
finished reading:
November 2012
Some Girls Bite - Chloe Neill
finished reading:
September 2012
I really do love Brooks's Iron Sea's books. I read the first two a few weeks before this one came out, and I was glad I had t...
Riveted -  Meljean Brook